AMC Chairman asks for enhanced tech training

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In recent remarks from Steve Macias, Pivot Manufacturing president and Arizona Manufacturers Council (AMC) chairman, he spoke to the current gains and issues of the AMC in order to continue pushing the organization forward.

 “As football season is upon us, it is often said that college powerhouses…don’t rebuild, they just reload," Macias said. "And so it is with the Arizona Manufacturers Council.”

Macias praised Governor Doug Ducey’s promotional and organizational skills for Arizona businesses but asked constituents to consider the importance of support for career and technical education, stating that underfunded programs cannot provide enough skilled workers to satisfy the state’s expanding technical and manufacturing sectors fast enough.

“The recent economic downturn resulted in some tough funding decisions throughout the state budget, but the cutbacks in these programs will cause a time bomb of unprepared workers moving into the economy at the exact period when it is imperative to have available the skills and the workers that quality CTE [Career and Technical Education] programs produce,” Macias said.

The AMC chairman also expressed appreciation for Arizona’s current climate of legislative cooperation, applauding lawmakers for stepping up to the plate on issues ranging from veteran affairs to aircraft and defense assets.

“Though their social and ideological stances may vary significantly, our current group has shown a willingness and eagerness to work together on matters affecting and benefiting Arizona that I have not seen in my years of experience,” he said.

Emphasizing that AMC will go forward with renewed vigor, Macias noted that newly elected Chairman Emeritus Mark Dobbins will be involved in many issues. He also praised Dawn Grove of Karsten Manufacturing, an Arizona-based golf club manufacturing business.

The Arizona Manufacturers Council within the Arizona Chamber is the state affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM).



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